

Convention Walls Made of Sales? #SDCC Sell-Outs A Given!

Rapture Comics #SDCC day 1

Image by Krikit Media via Flickr

is this the way of Comic Con International?  I remember going in 1999 & paying $20 a day without having to preorder... I guess those days are gone & have since migrated to other Cons...

I still wanna hear more about how Long Beach Comic Con went - I know a lot of people who wanted to go, but I'm not sure who made it there... is that a Gareb Shamus Con? If it is, that's another topic entirely...

loved going to San Diego this year, although I will admit it's changed a bit... This isn't the end of the world as long as smaller Cons keep popping up in between the mega-madness-inducing epics!

the preordering becoming such a necessity is a little disconcerting though - doesn't this make certain that new people stumbling in to the experience, & all the products therein, will be a thing of convention past?

I'm sure that San Diego will stay a fixture for some time, but it's definitely a different animal...


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via #sdcc - Twitter Search by rallyv (Rally V) on 11/3/09

Ordered tickets to #sdcc. Not only is this the earliest I've ever had to do it, it's the earliest by 5 months #FuckYouTwilight


Posted via email from krikit media


We Need A Survey: How To Job Hunt In The 'Twittersphere'


Image by Krikit Media via Flickr

I wonder how well this has worked for people... has anyone really got much work from twitter?... I know Ari has gotten a significant amount...

I'm sure it can be really effective - I'd be interested to see what the numbers are on this one... somebody should do a survey...


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via NPR Topics: News on 11/2/09

With the job market still in the doldrums, people are trying to figure out ways to use Twitter to find jobs. Twitter can be used to post a job, ask around about one, learn more about a potential boss or keep your network of former co-workers and friends updated on your job hunt.

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Posted via email from krikit media


the em'effin' Batman! - Character Jam

Batman Silo-Sketch

so I was recently reminded by someone posting about it on twitter that had also been far from my mind in recent history... which is a shame...

I found out about it from Mike Weiringo's (RIP) blog a few years ago - it really has been a pretty cool & supportive art community...
apparently my old account wasn't so accessible anymore, so I made a new one (krikitmedia, of course) - one of my favorite things about the site has been the various "drawing jam" threads - recurring posts with a new theme (character, event, photo-reference, etc.), usually monthly...

thusly, I found the batman jam thread in the superhero forum - leading to this sketch I did this morning over breakfast...

got me & Ari talking about what makes him such an iconic figure, even just visually... yay, is still cool!


I'll put up a strip, you can get a tip (I cartoon the way I are)

Con-Ride again

so, internet will be up Monday - which means I can have more than one attempt every few days to post if something goes haywire :p

it was kind of annoying to have the strip finished & lettered but, for some reason, not be able to save/export it...

also, being that Some Antics! is just kinda whatever's going on & whatever's interesting at the moment (pretty much topical), I'm thinking bi-weekly might be better... I really don't wanna have premises that don't amuse me or what not coming out half-@$$ed... plus I'll never get those other two titles started if I'm killing too much energy on the 1st one... Some Antics! was put up 1st simply for the reason it's supposed to be the easiest & quickest one to get out...

so yeah...


don't sleep... penguins will eat evil operating systems

Disgruntled Penguin

sheesh kiddies - I'll be so glad when my internet gets hooked up (already ordered, now just waiting)... I sketched these OS mascots the other night - probably shoulda been lettering the strip so that would be up today ;O

but no worries... it's coming ;D


hello & hello...

Beautiful Carlsbad! #SDCC

I think the commuting is starting to get to me... I survived Con, I was pretty much down for the count this last weekend... neck's been really stiff... strip's almost done... site's under construction... now to wake up for work :p


Comic-Con is over!


Comic-Con was great!... got sketches from Paul Taylor (really cool guy), Zach Marcus (who sketched Tyler Hutchison as a seal/sea-lion - awesome guys as well), Susie Cagle (really cool gal to meet, by the way - she uses the same pens I do!), Kel McDonald, Ryan Smith, & Brad Guigar (awesome guy, let us talk his ear off for probably too long ;) )...

met Kenneth Rocafort at the Top Cow booth... saw Tom Richmond doing a caricature at the NCS booth... met Alex Albrecht, Jeff Cannata, Dan Trachtenberg, & Scott Kurtz upon arriving at the PVP booth...

my post-Comic-Con strip is up here on Some Antics!... & here's the photos I took while at Con as well...

we had a great time, with a few hiccups, but next year we'll be more prepared...

anybody going next year?


SD Some Antics! strip pencils...

pencils pretty much done... Nice sangria buzz... Hope you guys are having a great night! :D


A moment... SD is next

A moment... SD is next
Originally uploaded by Krikit Media
Enjoying a Sapporo while Ari (@Ariluv) gets sushi for dinner (I already ate)...

We head out to San Diego sometime between tonight & tomorrow morning, to meet up with our other Rapture Comics cohorts at SD ComicCon...

We'll be live-twittering & live-flickr'ing from the event thoughout the weekend, so keep an eye out if ya like :)

more soon!


So what, part 1...

So what, part 1...
Originally uploaded by Krikit Media
I work 40 hours... I commute 20 hours... Somewhere aside from that, I work on comics ' illustration...

I'm closing in on that next step, & even though open doors have proved providence, there has been opposition... But so what?...


Page in progress...

Page in progress...
Originally uploaded by Krikit Media
I was out sick the last few days... Still managed to get some stuff done between trips to the restroom...


everybody say guy number 2! "guy number 2!"...

Character from what I'm working on right now...

here's one of the characters from the pages I'm working on right now... not enough to spoil anything, but hopefully enough to be somewhat interesting :p

crunch-time is now, so things should be getting more interesting in the immediate vicinity of now...


My first time with the wolf-man...


The Astounding Wolf-Man #14

I wasn't sure what to expect with my first time reading Astounding Wolf-Man, it was eyeing me in the shop - a cover that begged to be flipped open...

After finally dismissing the safe & gutless comic-buying practices I had apparently adopted unawares (when did that happen?), I committed to picking it up. As much as I have been loving the Bendis/Quesada era (no sarcasm, I swear!), I realized I hadn't picked up any independents in a while (a fact which I hate). The #14 on the cover never would have swayed me from entering a title before... I guess I've just been caught up in “bigger” (real life) things lately...

The story started moving naturally, with little or no effort on my part. I quickly knew what was going on, even without having any exposure to the characters – going through renderings of action & story without suffering in the least.

I haven't gone into specifics about the writing or art for the simple fact that I didn't need to. Telling you just how effortlessly my sit-down experience with this book was should speak louder than I ever could!
...But I will anyways! ...Just so no mistake is made. Art (Jason Howard, FCO & Ivan Plascencia) was clean & dynamic – in fact, the cover I mentioned briefly is one of those “you must buy me now!” covers that I have never really regretted indulging: bold glaring-at-the-camera image of the Astounding Wolf-Man shackled, bound, & pissed-off. The writing (Robert Kirkman) is at that level of “so competent, you might not notice”, subtle, memorable, & effective - I experienced no speed-bumps along the way.

My intention is not to fluff here, but I'm really not feeling like saying much else about this book, just because it stands so well on it's own – I really don't wanna take away from this read.


Thing's are looking up...

Lunchtime sketch of the day.

3rd attempt, as my Centro decided to reset mid-upload, then dropped it the 2nd time :p


April, you fool!...

What does this look like to you?

I'm going to beat you...

I'm going to fool you...

& I'm going to call you April...


chirpin' at me?!...

Chirpin' at me?!...
Originally uploaded by Krikit Media
This was inevitable...

Everybody knows it, even though not everyone's seen Taxi Driver...

;)I actually kinda like the look...



Originally uploaded by Krikit Media
Here's a Psylocke sketch from a little bit ago I did for @Ariluv (for all you fiends)...

Was going for a little more curvy (uh, realistic?) after hearing her say she thought the perfect Psylocke would be a mix of Jim Lee's & Frank Cho's.


my studio-mate...

my studio-mate...
Originally uploaded by Krikit Media
(he lives between the wall ' my drawing board)

that-there spider probably outs the fact that there's been some cleaning going on...

So anyways.... I've been drawing, I swear!... Need to scan some stuff - & snap some more pix...

Well gang, expect soon!


How you say... Keropi?

How you say... Keropi?
Originally uploaded by Krikit Media
What?! I haven't posted yet this year? Holy molie... Here's something of mine I've been working on lately - This should surface very soon... Also, I've got some exciting new stuff I'm gonna be
doing, which I will elaborate on as soon as I am comfortable/able to do so... Until then, enjoy this chirpy bastid...