

#%!@* Elmo... I'm With Grover

Civil War:  I'm With Grover

here's another fun Civil War parody I cranked out with that superior of muppets, Grover...



wanting to be left

alone in your life

you attack and defend

without knowing why

mindlessly stinging

with venom, you loose

willfully making your bed

lying in the obtuse




I started this Patch drawing maybe a month (!) ago, & have been touching it a few times a week, mostly briefly... when I started, I had just finished reading the first two Essential Wolverine books with him masquerading as "Patch" in seedy Southeast Asian island, Madripoor... classic stuff...

this one is more for fun, so I haven't been rushing it - just been working on it in the background


24... no, not that "24"

I swear, I always find these things out like the day before or something...
today, it seems, is 24 Hour Comic Book Day... no, that's not a day when folks sit on their asses for 24-hours readin' comics (what, we need a special day for that?)... it's a challenge for comics creators to create a 24-page comic in one day... I think it's a neat idea, & one year, when I've got my crap together, I hope to participate...
so go check out the festivities at

& meanwhile, check out this awesome sketch of Wonder Woman by Rich Friend:
Sun of Gelatometti: Wonder Woman


Civil War: "I got two words for ya..."

being the comic book geek that I am, I think all the joke "Civil War" banners that keep floating around online are pretty funny - but I haven't seen any wrestling Civil War paraodies...
you know I couldn't resist...

Civil War:  I'm With DX


My Reviews are up. . . YAY!!!!

Ok, so the new issue of Sequential Tart went live yesterday, and my reviews are in it!

I am so happy to be writing, and even happier that its about comics! So please do me a favor and go to and check out the Report card for Comics, and let me know what you think! The reviews are written under my real name, so that would be. . . Dorothea Cantero (for those of you who forgot already or don't know).

I'd really appreciate any feedback on this as this is my first attempt at doing ANY sort of writing in a long time. Thank you, please drive through.